3 Trustworthy Books about Trauma

In a world inflicted with all kinds of crime, disease, and abuse, it is no surprise that trauma is prevalent in society on an individual and collective level. With little support available from governments, and the high cost of private mental healthcare, it becomes the individual’s responsibility to take charge of their own healing process. Healing from trauma is imperative if one wishes to perform optimally in life, and to enjoy one’s existence. On a larger scale, healing means safer and happier communities. With this in mind, I would like to suggest three highly informative books which aid in healing trauma.

‘The Body Keeps the Score’ by Bessel van der Kolk

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Bessel van der Kolk is one of the leading psychiatrists working on trauma treatment. In his book, ‘The Body Keeps the Score’, he explains the mind-body connection, and how to treat trauma by working with the mind and body simultaneously. Van Der Kolk suggests treatments such as EMDR which use eye movements to desensitize the painful emotions felt by trauma. This book is helpful for anyone wanting to use a holistic approach to treat trauma.

‘Healing Developmental Trauma’ by Laurence Heller and Aline LaPierre

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This book goes into detail explaining the survival strategies used by the brain to survive trauma. The long-term effects of trauma on the brain, can lead to changes in a person’s way of thinking and behaving. Emotions such as fear, shame, and guilt shape a traumatised person’s life, if the trauma is not healed. If these types of emotions are left unchecked for a long period of time, they have the potential to cause much pain in one’s life, and possibly lead to dysfunction or destruction. By addressing the trauma wounds, cognitions can change to become more pleasant and productive. This book helps the reader identify their own patterns, in order to improve their quality of life.

‘No Self No Problem’ by Chris Niebauer

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Niebauer explains the importance of balance between the right and left brains in healing from trauma. Drawing on parallels between mindfulness and neuropsychology, he advises certain practises which enable balance between the two sides of the brain. These exercises help to strengthen the right brain while it is being dominated by the left brain post trauma. Creating balance between the two brains, provides clarity of thought, and control of emotions for the trauma survivor.

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