*** TRIGGER WARNING & SPOILER ALERT *** Since the release of ‘Baby Reindeer’ on Netflix in April 2024, viewers have been praising the series for its accurate portrayals of abuse, trauma, and survival. This limited series by Richard Gadd has resonated with viewers who have experienced childhood trauma, gender-based violence, and sexual abuse. Many viewers have stated that the show has been validating for them as survivors. You may be wondering, how did this short series get so much right in its depiction of trauma? 

English Literature vs Literature in English

In the Nigerian novel 'Americah' by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, Obinze's mum feels the need to clarify that she is a professor of literature in English and not a professor of English literature. You may be wondering, what is the difference?

Wartime wisdom quotes from ‘Slow Noodles’ by Chantha Nguon

Chantha Nguon's touching memoir, 'Slow Noodles', is filled with insight about survival. Caught between two war-ravaged countries (Cambodia and Vietnam), Nguon lives through hunger, poverty, violence, and loss. As she recounts her painful experiences in this book, she not only shares her history but also the lessons she's learned from being a female wartime survivor in Southeast Asia.

3 Classic Books to Prepare Us for the AI Revolution

At this stage, it seems that not much can be done to stop the AI Revolution from taking place. Let us have a look at the possible scenarios that may play out if AI is given full autonomy, or if regulation fails to control it. Here are three classic books about governance, power, control, and survival, which capture the social issues of concern in today's debates about AI. The fictional scenarios in these books use metaphoric and allegoric forms to convey messages of importance about identity, individuality, the misuse and abuse of power, and the fragility and limitations of humanity.

My Khmer New Year 2023 in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

After a quiet, cool dinner and stroll around Toul Kork, I was BORED! It wasn't enough. So I decided to take a night ride into the city to photograph the beautiful KNY lights and decorations at Wat Phnom. Toul Kork was so quiet that I expected the wat to be quiet after 9 pm too. But I was wrong….Mayhem!

Digesting ‘BEEF’, the Netflix dark comedy series

The ten-episode Netflix comedy-drama, 'Beef', provides a lot of food for thought. There are layers of meaning to unpack, along with elements of symbolism and ambiguity. For those viewers who enjoy analysing characters and decoding meaning, here are some questions to ask yourself after watching the delicious series.

3 Heartbreaking Reads about Family and Friendship

Sometimes we simply need a book to get us back in touch with humanity. Reading a book that touches the heart, can have a life-changing effect upon us. Stories of pain, tragedy, and hardship remind us that the human spirit is both breakable and incredibly resilient. Here are three novels that settle in your heart, and leave you thinking about the important things in life.

3 Simply Irresistible Book Series

Sometimes we fall in love with the characters in books. When this happens, it is difficult to say goodbye to them at the end of the novel. But if we are lucky, there might be a series where we can read more of their adventures. Here are three entertaining book series with some colourful characters, who will make you laugh, rage, and love.

3 Trustworthy Books about Trauma

Healing from trauma is imperative if one wishes to perform optimally in life, and to enjoy one's existence. On a larger scale, healing means safer and happier communities. With this in mind, I would like to suggest three highly informative books which aid in healing trauma.

The impact of trauma on decision-making: Jane Eyre’s journey from abuse to agency in the Victorian era

In this research paper, I will closely analyse the character traits of the downtrodden protagonist, Jane Eyre, to ascertain how she reaches empowerment in adulthood after a childhood of abuse, trauma, grief and neglect in Victorian England. In particular, I will pay attention to Jane’s decision-making processes, as this is the key to understanding her journey to freedom and empowerment. As a female, Jane experiences gender-based abuse on a societal level, and as a destitute orphan, she experiences physical, emotional, and spiritual abuse on a personal level. With abuse being predominant in every stage of Jane’s life, she is tasked with the heavy burden of overcoming trauma if she is to make a success of her life and to live happily. Jane must make wise and informed, life-altering decisions to avoid lifelong suffering.

Resisting patriarchy in Africa: Desire and agency in ‘Woman at Point Zero’ and ‘Under the Udala Trees’  

Woman at Point Zero by Nawal El Saadawi and Under the Udala Trees by Chinelo Okparanta are two very different African novels, yet both bring attention to gender-based oppression and patriarchy in Africa. In both novels, there are several female characters who cope with patriarchy in different ways. Some women submit to the system, while others resist it. There are also women who manipulate the system to their advantage, while other women outrightly oppose it. In this essay, I will focus on an exploration of the main female protagonists, and how they resist the different types of patriarchy challenging them.

Analysing the motif of time in ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ and ‘The Hours’

In both novels, time is used to represent the temporary nature of life. Clocks are used to symbolise the urgency which accompanies time - this places emphasis on the mortality of life. Furthermore, both novels express the nonlinear nature of time, which juxtaposes the temporary nature of life with the permanent nature of memories (both positive and negative memories). In this essay, I will demonstrate that Cunningham uses the same representations of time as Woolf does in her novel. Additionally, I will explain the contextual settings of both novels to demonstrate that time is relevant inside and outside of these two intertextual novels. 

The rise of womanism in South African praise poetry: Dismantling past traditions of patriarchy 

In this essay, I will pay particular attention to South African praise poetry to demonstrate that there is a slow shift away from patriarchy towards inclusivity. The genre of praise poetry has progressed from being predominantly male to include more female poets who have gained fame and respect across the African continent. I will begin with a discussion of the past, before addressing the current shift away from patriarchy. 

Life lessons from a tragic hero in ‘Things Fall Apart’ by Chinua Achebe

Okonkwo, in Chinua Achebe's 'Things Fall Apart', is a complex character who teaches us many lessons about life, society, and culture. According to the definition of a tragic hero in literature, one could easily consider Okonkwo a tragic hero. Okonkwo's life and death reveal tragedies which can be avoided with careful judgment and informed decision-making. In this essay, I will outline the elements of a tragic hero as they pertain to Okonkwo, and conclude with some thoughts on how to avoid such tragic endings.

Queer temporality in ‘Mrs. Dalloway’ and ‘The Hours’

Clarissa Dalloway’s sexuality, in the fictional novel Mrs. Dalloway by Virginia Woolf, is ambiguous. Clarissa kisses her female friend Sally Seton, and describes it as “the most exquisite moment of her whole life” (Woolf 1925:33). This event in the novel causes intrigue for postmodernist queer theorists, who analyse the possibilities of an abrosexual or bisexual Clarissa in a heteronormative world. One particular postmodernist writer, named Michael Cunningham, decided to write a novel which creatively explores the themes of gender and sexuality, which are hinted at, or rather suppressed, in 'Mrs. Dalloway'. Cunningham’s book, 'The Hours', boldly plots the lives of a few queer characters, whose sexual orientations shift, blend, and change with time.

Gender oppression and survival strategies in ‘Woman at Point Zero’ by Nawal El Saadawi

'Woman at Point Zero' is an Arabian novel written by psychiatrist and feminist, Nawal El Saadawi. In her novel, she interviews a woman who is jailed for the murder of a man, that man being her pimp. Firdaus, the protagonist, is a prostitute, and the novel tells the story of how she came to be a sex worker and murderer. Saadawi documents her interviews with Firdaus before Firdaus is executed. Firdaus’s story reveals the dark side of being a woman in patriarchal Egypt.

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